How Medialooks support team works?

What levels of support do exist?
There are 2 sources to get support for Medialooks SDKs:

1. A Documentation where you can find an answer to your questions yourself or ask users for help.
2. An engineering team that you can contact directly only if you have access to full-featured support.
What is included in full-featured support?
It includes:

1. Processing your questions and requests within 24 hours in business days (Monday–Friday, 8-00–8-00 UTC).
2. SDK guidance and consulting to accomplish your tasks.
3. Assisting in solving problems related to the SDK usage directly (remote access sessions, best practices in using the SDK, etc.).

The full-featured support does not include writing source code or sample applications for clients, but we do our best to help you to get the desired results in the most effective way.
How can I get full-featured support of Medialooks engineers?
There are a couple of ways you can apply for the support service:

1. Download an SDK the first time - and get 1 month of free total support. Once the trial is over, the SDK will notify you about it.
2. Buy a full SDK license that gives you an annual subscription to the SDK updates and support.
3. Buy a temporary SDK license that gives you access to the support service until the expiration date of the temporary license.

Please contact our sales team if you wish to purchase a full or a temporary SDK license:
Price per month
Email support (business hours)
Guaranteed response
Dedicated support Monday through Friday
Remote access sessions
Price per month
Email support (business hours)
Guaranteed response
Dedicated support Monday through Friday
Remote access sessions
How much does developer license cost?
After the trial period expires, you have the following opportunities to continue working with full support and current versions of the SDK (including beta releases) with one of the 3 license renewal packages:
SDK developer license for:
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
MFormats SDK
1500 USD
2500 USD
4500 USD
MPlatform SDK
3000 USD
5000 USD
9000 USD
SDK developer license for:
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
MFormats SDK
1500 USD
2500 USD
4500 USD
MPlatform SDK
3000 USD
5000 USD
9000 USD
A developer license may only be used for testing purposes to provide an opportunity to continue your development if your official or trial license has expired. This type of license cannot be used in the final product.
What can I do without a license?
You can use an SDK as long as you wish with our logo overlay on your video. All the functionality is available in this mode. Once per day the SDK shows you a message about the trial usage.

You can use the Documentation and ask questions of the technical support team.